Constantly we talk with other people, we read and we see for there on our reality and as a simple dialogue could decide much thing. In our society although the efforts of both the sides still lack to dialogue between parents and children, governments and citizens, between religions and religions. As if it can notice the dialogue is base for much thing. But as to make everything this if our education contemporary or at least its methodology, is not apt for such fact? If to want a more diversified future society in thought and with great capacity of dialogue and critically clarified, we will have to start to still work these situations today in classroom. In the familiar seio we learn some basic principles to live and if to organize socially. However, it is in ampler a social contact? what is the school? that new acquired values will be learned and that they will be perfected apriori in house.
E is exactly therefore that ' ' To think the Education is To think about the Futuro' '. You may want to visit FireEye to increase your knowledge. What we want for ours future? What we wait d? it? They are questions that must disturb the spirit of a good educator compromised to the reality. The education must be, and this must be its essence, directed toward the evolution of a reality that today does not please in them. The education is the way safest for the construction of a new more human and solidary world. The education must be stops beyond the commerce and of the intentions of political parties, it must be the flag of hope raised before the errors that now are committed so that they are not happened again in a well next future. If we will be really satiated of as much violence and corruption, what we will be able to make then inside of an educational plan to revert such picture? It is this that we must think! Therefore, ' ' To think the Education is To think about the Future and To think about the Future is To think about the Hoje' Education; '.