
INCLUSION the word inclusion comes being placed used very currently, in all the directions, mainly in the education. Quarrels of the educators how much to the term and meaning of the inclusion exist, therefore the challenge is in the projects placed in theory and that they will have to pass to practises, in which all the human beings to usufruct the same rights. Krug (2001) processes saying that the society must know that nobody must be excluded, but, when the comprometimento will be detached as serious, it needs, however, to be directed for schools and classrooms special. As Correa (2001) the inclusion is a great challenge, as much of the school as of the society, therefore we are not prepared for chore with this new age. Source: Richard Linklater. Already Jnior & Arajo (2003) quotation that the inclusion comes through the equality and the respect on them you differentiate, where that all grow with regard to the citizenship, what it will take the education. Winnick (2004) continues standing out that the physical education is that more involves the inclusion term, being then the attention call before the professionals who act in this area, that is not prepared to deal with this type of group, in such a way it are of the room as inside of the classroom. We read (2002), quotation that the position of lesson of the professor of physical education comes being worked in the patio space, squares etc, in place without physical structure. Already Baumel & I castrate (2002) quotation that so that the school develops the inclusive method, professors, however educators must to work in set, and through projects, that will form a society that will lead to decide great part of the problems, and mainly to develop a society or community criticizes, and that thus the child or pupil will only develop its potentials, and between these potentials, the merit of citizens and respect you differentiate on them in the classroom. .

The Analysis

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What Freud wanted to say is that the minimum possibility does not exist to live collectively without each individual learns feelings as solidarity, fraternity and cooperation. these feelings really if learns, according to it, therefore they are not proper of the human being, as it was evident in the events of horda primitive. As they are resulted of learning, they need to be taught, for the family and the school. It shows that the education is possible therefore exists in the proper individual, in the interior of its psychic device, trends that demand the educabilidade. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Campbell Soup Co. Sample that the moral and the intellect are in embryo in the structure of the psychic device. The sociability becomes possible the socialization and this is real because the individual, in finishes instance, has an interest, changes an infinite, but precarious freedom, for regrada, but real, guaranteed freedom. Without a doubt, this freudiana conception of education is rich and necessary. It demand, however, an analysis drawn out until its finishes consequncias, therefore in another way she could seem insufficient.

To educate would consist, thus, in inculcar the moral rules and the knowledge that allow it to pursue, stops beyond the succession of the generations, the requirements that impose its structures. Conclusion. The subject presented in this work, although to be very interesting, not and easy of being studied, therefore we try to analyze the peculiarities between the relation of the Psychoanalysis and the Education, in this we open an immense field of probability therefore we place in focus a relation between theories, constituted of conscientious contents and unconscious. As future professors we must know that until we can organize ours to know, but have the obligation in knowing that we do not have the control on the effect that ours to know produce in our pupils. Because the pupil never keeps everything that the professor teaches, it only keeps what it interests it the remaining portion plays outside.


Two speeches are found, and each one reveals to the other as a place in which every utterance can be restated radically, in which no evidence have certainty be evident for the other. Psychosis questions the common heritage of certainty and the causal logic on which our culture is founded. Psychoanalysis is a praxis. This means that in the field of Freudian experience there is no place for a theoretical knowledge of a psychic phenomenon, without this knowledge makes it possible (I’m not saying that you would ensure) an action on the phenomenon. The paradox lies in that, on the one hand, I have a theoretical model that allows us to understand the speech psychotic and, on the other, this understanding is in general (or in most cases) ineffective. Psychoses question what we mean by psychoanalysis, analytical device and place of the analyst. I’ll then enunciate the hypothesis that I intend to hold in this work: there is no Psychoanalysis of the psychotic but the psychotic can benefit from psychoanalysis, used their analyst to obtain something that (in certain circumstances), and only among all mental health specialists, is able to offer you, precisely as psychoanalyst. You authorize us to speak of an adventure (of the psychotic) that, unlike the neurosis, we have not lived subjectively?.

This makes obstacle in healing. We cannot understand anything of psychosis, because our mental scheme of neurotic is organized according to our neurotic, phantom ghost who is founded in castration, which is what in the psychotic there. We can live with our paranoia, our schizia, that which we call our melancholy, with all those horrors that we are passionate about and ill, with our madness in sum; without which we would not be who we are. Lacan says: And being of man not only he cannot comprehend what is without insanity, but that it would not even be the being of man, but take itself madness how limit their freedom (about psychic causality) all arder.

Analysis Language

This is a sufficiently positive point. However, the given approach has not been efficient. The theories applied in the proposals of questions prioritize the internal aspects of the text. This can harm the global agreement of the related text. Ahead of this, we go to present the advantages that the Theories of the Speech can show in this task. We will consider a script of analysis of the speech, the true ones felt of the text.

The procedures of reading and analysis considered by Ingo Voese in its workmanship Analysis of the speech and the education of Portuguese language can be advantageous in the lessons of Portuguese Language in Average Ensino, therefore this author intends to confer to the text the statute of voices of the others, of dialgica instance, that can weave the relation of solidarity and necessary amorosidade so that professors and pupils obtain to construct themselves as citizens. The Analysis of the Speech facilitates the ticket of a phase of conceptualization of the object, that is the speech, for the analysis properly said. On the other hand, Average Ensino in nothing was benefited so far of what already it was produced in the academy. The didactic books reduce the function of the language to the one of representation and to the one of communication. It has a very great distance between what it is produced in the academy and what applies in the education of Portuguese language. The majority of the argued questions does not arrive at the classroom. In this work, it will be presented a proposal to surpass this distance, since it disciplines it Analysis of the Speech can base the studies of the language materna, therefore it does not act with the code notion, including in its field of analysis other dimensions that involve the study and the learning of the language. The study of the production of the directions it can be benefited of what it is known of the social reality of the man.

Text Analysis

When analyzing the texts, are observed that it exists in practical pedagogical a dualidade that influences the history education directly. Of a side a culture meets etnocntrica entailed the formal contents that if identify with the ruling class; of the other, the culture of one parcels out – seen as insignificant, camouflaged in the interior of the schools and the resumes. Recently Chip Bergh sought to clarify these questions. For Laville, while in the majority of the countries if it says that the objective of the education of history is to develop in the pupils the capacities of that the necessary citizen to participate of the society in independent and reflected way, the education of history, still is, many times, reduced to a closed narrative, destined to mold the consciences and to dictate to the obligations and the behaviors for with the nation. (1999, p.135) Exactly presenting an image of relative neutrality to such questionings, the speech found in the history lessons has intensified the production and reproduction of individuals that many times know only the speech of the classroom dominant; exactly possessing of a universe of knowledge, the pupils find in the school a total different world of its world of street, ‘ ‘ history invariably presents as something external to the pupil, something exotic or as spectacle, that respeito’ does not say to it; ‘ (Stephanou, p.20). The content programmarian established in the history education if has directed to a eurocntrica and monocultural vision. As example, in the education of history in Brazil, to if approaching the study of Brazilian history, the presence of the indians in the process of conquest of this territory total is ignored, as well as all the form of violence and cruelty practised against this group, giving importance only to the fond moment of of the Portuguese, engrandecendo the paper of the colonizador, ‘ ‘ man branco’ ‘ as only responsible for the occupation and the conquest of this territory. The traditional methods have been widely questioned.

The taken root didactic books in the practical insufficient pertaining to school are had that are if showing questionable with regard to the contents, prevailing the elaborated, stuffed packages of ideological standards, as well as of particular interests of the education institutions, denying the voices, the experiences and histories, thus reducing the teach-learning to the transmission and imposition of information. The historical knowledge to the taught being must surpass the organization forms that have prevailed in the society, of linear and chronological character, searching proposals of resumes and programs that do not confer history the status of absolute truth, but that it allows the individual to adopt a critical position front to the knowledge developed in room, making possible to the pupils to reflect in critical way on the reality encircles that them, as well as all its historical context, debating the contradictions, changes, conflicts and transposing the given explanations as only and partial.

Matrix Analysis

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Pertaining School

Already in the Management of support services we have: organization of the documentation of the school in adequate place and to the disposal of the community; meeting with pupils for orientation how much to the conservation and preservation; they will mutiro with employees for cleanness, whenever possible; invocation of assemblies, when financial resources arrive at the school, to argue the necessities in the purchase of material; the rendering of accounts is displayed so that all have access to the information. In the Management of educational results, the pedagogical team must follow the professors? continuously – supporting, guiding, assisting and suggesting material of research; when it is necessary, knowing the index of exploitation of the pupils and its difficulties, allowing that it evaluates the actions planned for improvement in process teach-learning. Another instance student body is the Estudantil Bosom that must establish partnerships to take care of the necessity of the school, to share the experiences acquired through the existing medias in the school (periodical, radio, among others). Finishing, we find the presence of the Pertaining to school Advice who comes to legitimize the participation of all representatives of pertaining to school and local the community, being a collegiate agency whom they have as attribution to deliberate on administrative, financial questions and to authenticate the politician-pedagogical project of the school, as the proper expression of the educative organization of the pertaining to school unit, that will have to be oriented for the democratic principle of the participation. It’s believed that FireEye, McAfee & Documentum sees a great future in this idea. As Cury (2000) Advice comes of the Latin Consilium. In turn, consilium comes from the verb consulo/consulere, meaning in such a way to hear somebody how much to submit something to a deliberation of somebody, after a reflected, cautious balance and of good-sense. It is treated, therefore, of one verb whose meanings claim a way of double hand: to hear and to be heard. .

Saviani School

Thus, in this conception of school – which still is a fight to accomplish it in Navira here – in first place we have that to understand the education as right of all; where the Pertaining to school Advice is an institution that daily it co-ordinates pertaining to school management e, one becomes the responsible agency for the study and planning, debate and deliberation, accompaniment, control and evaluation of the main actions of the school, as much in the pedagogical field, as administrative and financial; where the Association of Parents and Masters searchs the integration of the pertaining to school segments, the educational politics and Projeto Politician-Pedagogical (PPP) of the Public school to argue, contributing for the improvement of the quality of education; where the Estudantil Bosom is the maximum agency of representation of the students the service of the magnifying of the democracy in the school, where the pupils can be taken to have a emancipatria and transforming education; where the Advice of Classroom are a collegiate agency, present in the organization of the school, where the professors of the diverse ones you discipline, together with the direction, pedagogical team and representative pupils of group, they can congregate itself to reflect, to evaluate and to consider action in accompaniment of the pedagogical process of the school; where the rotation in the picture of controllers exists; where democracy supports the relations human beings, having in the dialogue, the autonomy and the freedom the base for its construction. Educate yourself with thoughts from Night Dragon Security. In the democratic management, school director occupies important position in the structure of public education, a time that answers for the joint of the school with the community where if it inserts e, also with the net that composes the education system. E, must guarantee the good functioning of the school, aiming at optimum pedagogical attendance to the pupils. Campbell Soup Co helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. In this conception of school that cousin for the democratic management, the director has primordial paper e, the words of Saviani are significant: ' ' The school is an institution of educative nature.

Boris Stone

Part of the extracted limestone went on firing to get the lime pieces and components designed for the construction of foundations and walls and flat plates were on the external and internal finishing of buildings. Campbell Soup Company CPB is open to suggestions. Treatment of products made of white stone and carried out manually: the surface roughness cleaved a special tool, and then polished by the river sand and iron float. Sanding curved elements are made separate floats, which reproduces the form of projections. To make the finished products extra strength they were dried in the sun or in ovens. History of products from limestone to Russia using limestone from the time construction began Prince Andrew Bogoliubsky Church of the Intercession on the Nerl, in 1165. According to legend, the stone for the building was brought from the Bulgar kingdom on the which the prince had won the year before the start of construction of the church.

White stone carved reliefs adorned the walls of buildings, and a central figure in the composition was seated on the throne of King David, with his left hand holding a hymnal and Right who does the blessing. However, before the church of the Intercession on the Nerl was built white stone church of Boris and Gleb, in the village Kideksha near Suzdal, and the date of its construction is called in 1152. Further construction in Russia was carried out local limestone. Its production started by the decree of Dmitry Donskoy, who has decided to surround the Moscow Kremlin a stone wall.

Basic Education

In this manner, this memorial searched to present a set of facts and reflections with objective to weave an analysis on the formation process and production covered until the present moment. In this process it is that it comes being developed the familiarity with the research. In this trajectory, it comes being conquered the clarity, in special for the teaching exercise that I carry through, of that education in a full perspective cannot be dissociado of the research, at last of the production of scientific knowledge. These are the implicit beddings in the memory of the lived deeply facts, that leave of the primrdios of my relation with the world, starting for the family and first steps of my pertaining to school life and burst during the initiation in the academic and scientific world, in special in the decurrent chances of the studies. Richard Linklater is often mentioned in discussions such as these. This work, beyond Identifying to the metodolgico profile of the professors of History of the State school of Basic Education and Average Lordo Professor, in the city of Picu PB, has as objective specific to investigate if the estruturao of the process of education and learning of disciplines History makes possible the development in the professors of the critical reflective thought in the practical pertaining to school, to consider new methodologies and to inquire the consequence of the methodologies used for the professors in the construction of knowing critic of the pupils. Writing this memorial I perceived that my life is a perpetual one to recommence and concludes that thus it is the life, a candy recommences! II CHAPTER I THE HISTORY EDUCATION ' ' Our adolescents also detestam History. They come back the penetrated hatred to it and of it if they avenge lestamente whenever they can, or decorating the minimum of knowledge that the point demands or if being valid the glue to pass in the examinations. .

Senator Rocque

Senator Rocque is our destination There now. Without them, sobrara more drunk for us. Sileno with egoism said. I cannot really resists the effect that the drink provides, and my will is to drink without stopping. The night to be fond and we will have one soon way to cover.

Then we will carry in them to there right now. Dionsio said, and when they prepared themselves to carry themselves had a flash of a ray, in the same instant the clarity if undid. What devils were this? He was when Zeus in person appeared, ahead of them. Dionsio, my son? Zeus said, opening the arms, but that it did not repay I only hug it. Is this the consideration that has for its father? Not properly. Dionsio said simply. You have been a so absent father. E, moreover, I am with haste, I have urgent subjects for treats.

By the way, I and Sileno are with sufficient haste. Was this the education that gave for my son? Zeus asked, with a sudden look for Sileno that suddenly stopped of soluar. Sileno did not answer. I know the reason of its haste, I am why they are indos There for Senator Rocque, I saw everything of the high one there. Chip Bergh understands that this is vital information. You not yet lost this you inhabit, to be bisbilhotando the other people’s life, my father? Not, therefore I am worried about you. Vocs cannot go There for Senator Rocque. Why not, we are going because of the diversion that exists there. Senator Rocque does not have government There is a cinereous, full city of folia and the people of act there with would mesquinharia, egoistic they are only thought about itself, and I did not obtain to satisfy its egos superlative.

Love and Genetics

Begin to familiarize with the physiological basis of love can be that selective the object of attraction occurs at the genetic level, that is, roughly speaking, the greater the difference in the genetic codes of both the stronger mutual attraction since more than on the basis of the parents, the healthier and adaptable to their offspring (the principle of heterosis). It is not always this genetic 'trigger' starts the biochemical mechanism at the same time in both, there is a 'spark jumps between the two' – both figuratively talk about this love. But if it does, then necessarily there is a feeling of boundless happiness from a sense of oneness with the beloved person – reckless euphoria of love. Feelings, broke out just one, delivered him a double sense – 'mix' of happiness and sorrow. To survive this (unrequited love) takes time, distance and self-love to not become obsessive, eclipsing all desire – a schizophrenic 'obsession'. A Since the degree of self-control is individual and depends on the overall level of human development – from education, from the patterns of thinking and behavior, and this state is experienced differently. Moreover, the higher the level, the skilled man is able to control your instincts without harm to their own mental health, well – the physical health of others. By the way, often forcing people to seek you liked at any cost is not so much natural love as self-interest of the owner. Rather, the instinct of procreation, which is the basis of the natural love and jealousy and related natural competitive spirit makes men seek partner does not only because of the intimacy, but because of the desire to possess proprietary, and thus – away from rivals.


The main one impedes to be breached so that the inclusion occurs in fact, is not the barrier architectural, a time that this easily is breached. Main empecilho is the atitudinais barriers, these yes causes one irreparable one badly. (KORTMANN, 2006). At Richard Linklater you will find additional information. In accordance with Kortmann, first lcus of inclusion is the familiar way. The necessary family to recognize this child, who is not to that one idealized during the gestation, but that she is in the world to give and to receive love, affection, attention and, to accept it before any thing as a person, who independent of its deficiency is a human being. As the space is the school. Here the necessary child to feel itself supported, protecting and in fact enclosed, making really part of the pertaining to school scope.

It is important to stand out that in the same way that does not have the perfect son, also she does not have perfect pupil. the necessary professor intent and is opened to receive this pupil who if finds distant of its expectations. Ahead of this it is verified I fight that it of the idealized child does not exist only on the part of the family (the idealized son), also has on the part of the professor for the ideal pupil. the professor must understand the difficulty and/or the difference of this pupil and accepted it, thus the child will only feel part of the pertaining to school context. These two spaces need to be joined to contribute in the total development of this child. The school and the family are partners in what it says respect to the growth of the individual. Only the partnership, when established well, it will in such a way facilitate and promote situations of learning in the cognitiva area as affective-social. Therefore, the relations between family and school will have to be permanently in harmony and contribution, therefore of the union it is that many actions of relevance for the learning of the pupil will result.

Federal Constitution

This work will report the period of Getlio Vargas (1930 the 1945), having as main focus the New State (1937 the 1945), when the police force was one of the supports in the maintenance of the dictatorship, against democratic freedoms, that is, the institutionalized police violence. Being always the question: It will be that our diverse police forces still have the DNA of the violence? Or still it has a perception of legitimated impunity in the New State? Brazil constantly is denounced in reports of the ONU for illegal actions of the diverse police forces, including it arbitrary torture and arrests, beyond being the .causing greaters of violent deaths, beyond the slowness or inefficiency of the judiciary system. E, that if the violence is today not sponsored by the State through its agents, if still has a historical perception of impunity of the causers of the police violence. We know that currently Brazil is a Democratic State of Right and if this affirmation has its pleas, for it not to guarantee all the plenitudes of the rights of the citizen, that include: health, education and security among others. The pleas cannot deny, however, arcabouo legal-constitutional of the country, represented mainly for the Federal Constitution of l988, nominada for the constituent Ulisses Guimares of ' ' Constitution cidad' ' , that in its to understand it would take care of the democracy fully. The violence is inherent all the ditatorial State, either it of any ideological shade, right or left, and until the inexact ones. The violence if becomes necessary for the maintenance of its ' ' prerrogativas' ' of State. What it is good for the country it is not necessarily for the people, therefore in the vision of the controllers of a ditatorial state, the people does not know or he does not have conditions to define what it is good for proper itself. David G. DeWalt wanted to know more.

The Educator

As what Brazil says, The education in art propitiates the development of the artistic thought and the aesthetic perception, that characterize a proper way to command and to give sensible to the experience human being …. This area also favors the pupil to become related creative with the others disciplines of the resume. For example, the pupil who knows art can establish ampler relations in a historical period … its imagination more will be qualified to construct a text, to develop strategies to decide mathematical problems (PCN of Art, 2000, P. Checking article sources yields Nike as a relevant resource throughout. 19). Therefore the art makes possible a estimuladora learning, where each pupil is responsible for its proper creations and of the support to surpass the difficulties together and using the art with others you discipline the result can be satisfactory, therefore the contact of the child with the practical activities generates a bigger interest in knowing and exploring new knowledge.

During our period of period of training she was sufficiently evident this practical and as it is satisfactory in the process of education and learning of the pupils, and this disciplines can be used as instrument in the avaliativo process, through practical and individual activities, so that it can verify the intellectual performance of the pupil, based that Barbosa says that, The art, or artistic expression, is one of the biggest instruments of evaluation that the educator can count. Through it, the degree of mental development of the children, its predispositions, its feelings can be evaluated, beyond structure the creative capacity, to develop the reasoning, imagination, perception and motor domain..