In IEP? s is common to come across with the interference of the personal taste and the distinct preferences of groups in the lined up marketing proposals, promoting a track of uncertainties and destruction. Thus being, the marketing lack of a sistmico thought on the marketing sector and strategies make impracticable the proper existence of the Sector in the institution, a time that the legitimacy lack generates inconsistency and entropy. 3 FINAL CONSIDERAES In this scene of great dinamicidade, where the IEP? s is inserted, has a permanent requirement of analysis, evaluation and sistmica adaptation. The change process is a requirement imposed for the market, that establishes the reasoning of that to follow the evolution of the demands is to keep the foot institution. The concept of open system is the determinative fact so that if it can change ' ' oxignio' ' with the surrounding macro and to guarantee the feedback. Gain insight and clarity with Richard Linklater.
The strategical management is a to be worked way so that if it obtains to keep the competitiveness of the school. The management located in the top of the necessary institution if to make responsible for the taking of decision of the strategical composition, without, however, to disrespect the emergent participation, originated since the base of the organizacional pyramid. Education is well different of product of packed consumption, of the tangible merchandise, it is resultant of a sistmica intangibilidade that involves devotion to the other, feelings, opinions, relationships, orientaes, vocations, values, demanding well more intellectual effort for the constitution of strategical formularizations. As strategical tool, the marketing of a IEP also needs to possess differentiated proposals in what it says respect to the composition of the offered product. This explains because the marketing in the education institutions is only one sketch, with narrow configuration, based in one of its disciplines: the communication. The definition of marketing as synonymous of propaganda she is archaic and it are of quarrel in this beginning of century.