Today can say with certainty what an interior designer who he is and what is involved. Modern designer is the embodiment of several professions – is primarily the architect thinking spatial imagination and clearly represents the form below is an artist who sees and mixes colors in a single composition and harmony, is a decorator who will bring to the interior decoration and give finished look around the room, it's as an engineer and without special education, but understood in the ventilation systems, air conditioning, water supply, heating and fire system, or even has any idea about this. Jobs designer is to help the customer solve his problems, everything and therein lies his job! Problems though are of different nature, this room design and ergonomics of the space and placement of furniture and work with builders and selection of materials, here is pretty big list, but it all boils down to the fact that the designer helps customers and has been closely involved throughout construction. What is a design project Interior and why should I? This booklet is A4 or A3 format, which assembled all the information about the project and used by builders, designers and the customer during the construction, purchase of materials and any other matter. What usually included in the booklet design project? 1. Drawings facilities: an explanatory note, the general plan, obmerochny drawing, plan furniture arrangement, plan, scheme plumbing, floor plan, ceiling plan, a plan of arrangement of fixtures, placement plan sockets, switches the binding plan, statement finishing, scanning the walls, the layout tile in the bathroom (the bathroom).